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Terms Of Service

Want to Commission DQC? Click here to read and review the Terms of Service.
YOU are responsible for knowing what terms I work under before you commission me! 
This will tell you everything you need to know before getting started and what I'll need from you!
Still got Questions?  Please feel free to take a look at the FAQ 

 How to commission Dqc

-Whether my commissions are open or not you should know what your going need so you can be ready to go!  I take first come, first ready!   You must be 18 years of age or older- if not please read the T.o.s above


1- Know what you want


2-have a clear detailed reference sheet of your character (I cannot always work with doodles!)


3-Have a DTD ready if your wanting a bodysuit (This saves time when you commission me i can start faster for you!)


4-SAve up! (be financially ready and prepared, if not you may lose your spot to others who are!)


5-Wait for commissions to open (My social medias are linked below for instant updates)


6-Contact me with your reference and what you want and i'll give you a final price.


7-you have your spot! and we can get started on all the details


I can't wait to work with YOU!


dtd tutorial link is under FAQ! as well as examples of reference sheets 

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